In my chess class at primary school, on Friday. I show pictures of Giri and Carlsen, they are 16 and 19 years old. They play against each other, in the third round of the last Tata tournament. Carlsen made a mistake on the 19th move, a moment later the best chess player in the world gave up. Sensation. We cameroon phone number list replay it, on a real board with wooden pieces. We pick the moves from the internet.
This column was also publish in Het Financieele Dagblad
Whether it is about the introduction of the printing press, street lighting, the (mobile) telephone, the train, traffic signs, Twitter or the internet in general, the same arguments and objections have been popping up for centuries as soon as humanity comes into contact with a new technology. That can make you angry and it can give you headaches if you are already completely convinc as a user of such a new technology and you hope to be able to take others with you. But it is a fact and the people who are at the forefront – and I include myself in that – have to learn to live with that fact.
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But it also gives us something to hold on to, because the objections have not only been . It’s not something marketing to women needs virtually the same in content for centuries, but also always appear in the same chronological order. Because the objections slowly but surely grow with the presence and advance of a new technology. All in all, it now takes an average of about 10 years before it jiangsu mobile phone number list becomes commonplace and that is also something to realize if you are an early adopter yourself.
Here are those objections in their prictable age-old order
What’s that good for?
Who wants that?
It will blow over by itself
It doesn’t change the situation as it is
It’s a fun toy but nothing more
It’s about nothing
There is no money to be made from it
It makes people stupid and lazy
It might work, but it’s still a makeshift solution.