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Up a brewery plus arranging

Several scholars have been surpris by the willingness of crowdsourcing participants to allow their contributions to be us by companies. Eric Von Hippel offers two explanations for this phenomenon, the so-call ‘freely revealing’. First, not all participants are capable of carrying out the exploitation.  brazil phone number list Inventing a new recipe for beer (‘open beer’ project) may be easy; setting the marketing and distribution channels, however, is another story.

A second reason that

Von Hippel gives is that people are motivat to work selflessly on a ‘public good’ – a facility that benefits a larger group of the population. I am not convinc by the second argument, because in many crowdsourcing initiatives there is no public good, but there are simply commercial considerations behind it. Even in initiatives where there is a ‘public interest’, such as Wikipia, altruistic motives appear to have no influence on the extent of  jiangsu mobile phone number list Wikipians’ activities (Nov, 2007).

The first argument

A will also not hold up for long. I suspect that it is more about ignorance than ..  Up a brewery plus  about granting  marketing calendar kit the company the benefits without further ado. The emergence of new forms of licensing will make people more aware of IPR. In fact, the widespread use of creative commons will limit commercial applications of contributions to crowdsourcing initiatives.

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