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AI processes a huge amount of data

The biggest advantage of AI is that it can process a huge amount of data in a very short time. At the same time, the creation of algorithms to detect security threats can be automated.

Manually searching through the vast volume of event logs to identify outliers is humanly impossible. Event logs provide information about hardware, software, and system components and help organizations identify and diagnose the causes of current system or program problems or anticipate potential system problems.

2. AI detects malware
AI can collect comprehensive data from various logs and records to identify new threats being spread by hackers, allowing malware systems to be detected before they cause major damage. Malware is malicious software that infects computers and causes damage in various ways (damaged devices, stolen data, etc.). This gives companies time to work on security vulnerabilities and put prevention plans in place.

Machine learning can also be used to scan large amounts of code and identify potential vulnerabilities before hackers do.

3. Identify unusual activities
AI can scan a system and its users for unusual activity. Continuous scanning can monitor systems and users to  detect when  thailand telegramunauthorized access occurs. When abnormal activity occurs, AI determines whether it is a threat or a false alarm.

Machine learning can be used to determine what is normal activity and what should be considered abnormal. As machine learning improves, it becomes easier for AI to detect anomalies.

4. Identify risks in advance

AI can not only detect malicious activities and events, but also detect and predict incidents before they occur, identifying threats in their early stages so they can be stopped.

AI can warn the company about incidents. It can also trigger processes that lead to self-healing. This helps contain damage before it occurs.

5. AI also identifies unknown security threats
AI cybersecurity can also detect new, unknown threats. Hackers specialize in  AI processes a huge  developing american samoa business directory new ways to penetrate networks unnoticed. AI can not only detect known threats (those that have already occurred in the company or that are known but  have not yet occurred), but also detect innovative hacker strategies and thus prevent or significantly reduce the dangers.

Artificial Intelligence & IT Security: Challenge of Technology
Artificial intelligence, as good as it may sound, unfortunately also brings  AI processes a huge  how to beat the instagram algorithm with it some challenges. There is a shortage of skilled workers in Germany and worldwide who can understand and program AI. Almost every second vacant AI position could only be filled inadequately or not at all last year. AI is a tool that protects companies against attacks. However.

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