Some video makers forget or don’t think it’s necessary to description so leave it blank but experts recommend mak the text in two parts. What the video description contains Information about the video What the user can expect from the video List of topics Information that nes to be copi Time codes indicat subtopics if the video is long especially if it is a conversational type. This point also includes an indication of unmissable links to promotional codes and other important information in the video. Links must be prefix with or otherwise users will not be able to click them.
This is likely to be a tagg
Channel information briefly provides basic information about what the channel is and who runs the channel so that users can get an impression while stay on the video Indonesia Number Data page. In the setts you can automatically add presentation text, contact or other information to the description of each video. Video description on the video text Links in the description below the video and text about the channel In the description of this video is add and remain on the channel instead of follow the column on the right Recommend to leave. At the bottom of the description they leave the company’s contact details.
A link to a video relat to the topic
They indicate a link to the for track conversions. Once is an abbreviat form. The description below the video links to another relat to the topic. A video description with links and company contact information. A video with a long description. A video description with 2 words on it. The video Bahrain Phone Number description is compos very cleverly and includes all the necessary queries. Bryan uses the most in the title and the first sentence of the description. Important inquiry. The description provides a wealth of information to determine relevance to the query so that the video is among the top names of the target keyword.