That’s why we’ve prepared a glossary of social media terms especially for you, with the most commonly used words in digital agencies and companies focused on social media .
Let’s start by defining what social networks are
The multiple social networks are spaces created to unite communities around different topics such as:
- Personalities
- Affinities
- Similar tastes
- Among others
You can share them with the rest of your friends who think or feel the same as you. One of its qualities is the integration of many communities in a single platform.
One of the great benefits is that you don’t necessarily have to know the other people who interact with the network, this way you can see, receive and share information with anyone from anywhere in the world.
You probably have some of them downloaded on your computer or cell phone.
Some networks
These are part of the most widely used social networks worldwide.
Glossary for Facebook
Comment or comment
When a person or brand makes a post, people who are attracted to it for any reason, whether positive or negative, have the opportunity to leave a comment below it, giving their opinion on the topic posted on the network. Other people will also be able to comment on your brand’s or context’s post, in addition to creating a topic or debate.
Share or shared
If you identify with a post made by one of your iceland mobile database contacts or one of the brands they follow on your networks, you can share that information, photo, video or comment on your own profile, extending that information to your entire contact list.
This is one of the most difficult items to achieve, because in order to share a post, a certain affinity must be generated with readers so that the message can be spread to other accounts.
Like or I like
This was the first option on Facebook to let the sender of the message know that you agree with the content posted, regardless of whether it is a brand or a natural person.
Liking a post means agreeing, sharing that thought, it is a simple action that generates a lot of value. But the new interaction format was amplified to give channel users more options to show their reaction or feeling about a post: the classic “like” is joined by “I love it”, “I’m amused”, “I’m amazed”, “I’m saddened” and “I’m angry”.
The pace of change is constant, so it is not surprising that perhaps in a year we will be interacting in a different way on our social networks.
This is the statistic that measures the number of times a user interacts with your profile or your posts. This engagement can be measured through the statistics option provided by the channel or through specialized tools to do so.
Glossary for Twitter
A tweet is a post on a personal account. Remember that the Twitter channel only allows comments of less than 140 characters.
The correct translation is “timeline” and it identifies all the posts from the people or brands we follow.
When you want to send a message to someone, you can use the @ just before the profile name of the person you want to address.
Just like on Facebook, there is the option to like a comment.
It is the abbreviation for “direct messages” and its translation is direct message.
It is a way to communicate privately, meaning that only the person you are writing to will be able to see the DM. Neither their contacts nor yours have access to that communication.
Glossary for Instagram
And just like on other social networks, on Instagram you can also identify yourself with a post by giving it a like or a heart, which will turn red.
You can also make comments with text and images . You can also send messages internally to generate a private conversation and even repost other people’s content so that your profile appears.
Take advantage of this opportunity to apply your knowledge of Instagram terms using the social network! To do this, we also recommend downloading the Instagram guide, so you can learn about other functions and strategies:
We hope this glossary has helped you to asb directory improve your understanding of some social networks and their terms.
Now use them and become an expert in your digital talks and work.