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What does your target group want to read?

You also have to write your newsletters and emails according to the principles of copywriting.

It’s about attention, interest and desire.


Afterwards, you lead your reader to the call-to-action.

#3 Letters

I know very few target group people do that

But we, at our online shop, also send postcards or letters to our customers.

If the text of the letter is boring, just factual or self-centered, i.e. does not address the customer – then it won’t work.

Good copywriting always focuses on the customer.

If the ego is referenced, then the customer will not read it.

Maybe you even want to make an up-sell so that the letter gets them to buy something else or simply strengthen customer loyalty.

If the letter is so boring that the customer doesn’t read it at all or throws it away immediately, then the letter was pointless.

In order for him to open and read the letter, stay with it until the end and really
form a bond, you need:


(Reading tip: Improve your writing style with these 5 exercises)

Even when you write c level executive list letters – even New Year’s greetings – when you send Christmas greetings to your readers and customers, you must also keep the principles of copywriting in mind.

Attracting attention (How do I get my customer’s attention)
Because at Christmas he gets a lot of postcards and bouquets of flowers.

2. How can you attract and maintain his interest?

3. How can you address something that corresponds to his desire?

How can you then target group figure out a plot?

For example, by writing back to you and saying:

“Hey, thanks for the congratulations,” recommends you to others, or buys something from you.

#4 Business Partner
Here, too, you need copywriting.

I often get requests that are totally me-related:

“I would like to write a guest post on your website.”

“I would like to become an affiliate of yours.”

“I would like to earn a lot of money .”

I simply ignore them.

I simply delete them or I write a short:

No thanks.


Because the other party did not bother to apply the rules of copywriting:

To attract a strong guardian splash this morning attention first,
To arouse my interest,
To respond to my request,
and then expect a clear action from me
He didn’t do that, so I’ll just say:


If you want more america email cooperation, if you want to be invited to a podcast , if you want to be invited to YouTube or if you want to write guest posts, if you want to cooperate with others, if you want to become an affiliate – then learn copywriting and apply it to this communication as well.

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