Singapore Number » Blog » There are 4 commandments in copywriting:

There are 4 commandments in copywriting:

“You want to keep commandments in creating unsuccessful content.”


“You want to continue to have too much fat on your belly.”

These are the consequences of inaction, made clear again.

This increases the likelihood that he will then act.

And since we’ve been talking about calls to action all this time,

I have a call-to-action for you here:

Go to

There on the homepage you will see an opt-in.

Enter your email address there.

Click on Subscribe.

Then you will become part of my email list.

part of my newsletter.

As a thank you, I’ll give you my e-book with 11 recipes for incredibly successful blog articles.

There you commandments in will learn:

How to write blog posts that rank high on Google.

How to write articles that get shared and commented on a lot.

And bring you fans and customers.

If this is something for you,

go to

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Subscribe to the newsletter and then we’ll see you in the email community.

Write great, be great.

Your Walter.

You will find out in this video.

I’ll clear up a big misconception about copywriting
and also tell you why this misconception is holding you back:

to get more readers
sell more books
sell more courses
If you want to know what a misunderstanding this is, what a big lie is floating around on the Internet – then stay tuned.

Let’s get started:

I hear it again and again.

I see it again and again.

In videos, in articles.

People write:

“Copywriting vs. country email list Content Writing! – What’s the Difference?”


“Why is content writing different from copywriting?”


People who write such commandments in things have no idea


Copy is designed to the science is overwhelming grab the reader’s attention; then pique their interest;
satisfy their desires and call them to action.

What makes good content?

Exactly the same.

Good Content Writing:

attracts attention
arouses interest
satisfies the desire
calls for an action (e.g. subscribe, comment or share)
Nothing else.

Now you can see why it america email list is complete nonsense
to treat copywriting and content writing as if they were two different things.

They may have different goals, but the concepts and principle behind them
are the same.


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