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The number of units or pairs used

The number Piece consumables and materials are calculat by, and non-piece consumables (for example, bulk materials or liquids) are calculat by weight or volume. Or by the piece if a full package is us to provide the service.

In addition to the work itself and materials, indirect costs should also be includ in the calculation of the service – rent of premises (if any), salaries of managers, service personnel of the enterprise, utilities. If equipment or tools are us to provide the service, do not forget to calculate their depreciation too.

For example, a private school teacher comes to schoolchildren who cannot attend classes with a school laptop to show presentations and take tests.

Let’s calculate the cost of the service per hour:

      • Teacher’s salary: 1000 rubles per hour.
      • Laptop depreciation: 100 rubles per hour.
      • Part of the school management female database salary and administrative expenses: 300 rubles per hour.
      • Part of the school advertising costs: 200 rubles per hour.
      • The cost of travel to a schoolchild, including the teacher’s time: 400 rubles.

The total cost of the service of a visiting school teacher is 2,000 rubles for the first hour of classes and 1,600 rubles for each subsequent hour, since there will be no ne to spend additional money on travel.

The number How to ruce cost price

Rucing the cost of production and sales of products leaves more how to create images in dalle room for pricing and will help to make more profit in the long term. Business will be able to more effectively “push through” competitors in the market, attract new customers and retain old ones. To ruce the cost price, you can use several tools and strategies:

    • Optimize processes . Consider the production saudi phone number stages in detail: how much time is spent on each step, how many consumables and materials are spent on the work , etc. Perhaps some procures and manipulations can be abandon without harming the product or several actions can be combin into one.
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