If we look at the ability to assess information as an intranet skill criterion, employees are generally very capable of assessing information that they themselves ne from and/or contribute to the organization. After all, that is what they were hir for! For that reason alone, intranet users are in principle more skill than internet users. The fact that there have been support problems with intranet for all those years therefore had little to do with intranet or internet skills, in the sense of not understanding or being able to assess information. The innovation snake in the grass here is the above sentence ‘assessing information that they themselves ne from and/or contribute to’.
Exchanging information (while working together)
A does not require mia skills. After all, working together does not take place via magazines, newspapers, belarus phone number list brochures or other conventional mia that we read, listen to and watch. Mia management of the digital collaboration process still plays a major role in the failure of intranets. Employees consume mia in addition to their work and use tools during their work.
Ad2 Does not using the intranet have to do with the information that can be found there?
It is of course an interesting contradiction that resistance in the workplace to intranet does not necessarily go hand in hand with resistance to home PC use or to an iPhone. On intranet, lack of visits has to do with the intranet itself and the information that can be found there.
Anyone who wants to compare products on the internet will eventually succe. The motivation to find out something drives the comparison behaviour. Wanting to keep up with Facebook and not wanting to place a photo in the mugshot also has to do with motivation. The appeal to privacy at work is sometimes undermin by one’s own social internet behaviour. But communication management on this is still scarce. After all, it focuses less on people than on mia.
Visiting an internet page also has a completely different reason than visiting an intranet page. The first adjust file names to images is nice , the second serves a purpose . At least, if the intranet is built around the information nes of all users (and not just as a commu jiangsu mobile phone number list nication tool for managers, directors and official mouthpieces).
The motivation for participating in a social network is also different from reading consumer mia or corporate information. These should therefore also be separat more clearly in communication. Whoever wants to do . Intranet users are something with visitors and users, intranet and social mia can do something with (internal) motivation.