How to Create a B2B Email Sequence Based on a USP for a Complex Product

Eight out of ten companies in B2B How to Create a B2B Email Sequence Base and B2C use email marketing . Newsletters are still an effective tool for selling complex B2B products, says email marketer at Aktion Marketing Vitalina Barinova. How to boost email newsletters with a competent USP — we will analyze in the article.

Why B2B Newsletters Work So Well
How Email Marketing Works
Why we love newsletters
How the email chain has changed with the new USP: lead generation results

Why B2B Newsletters Work So Well

B2B newsletters are emails or How to Create a B2B Email Sequence Base chains of emails library shop to attract customers . In the media space, this method of promotion is considered outdated . However, in reality, it is still effective:

newsletters are among the top 3 marketing channels in B2B and B2C;
This is one of the most inexpensive instruments: according to statistics, every ruble invested pays off with 30-40 rubles in return.
Emails provide direct contact with the user. As a rule, warming up from acquaintance to sale occurs unobtrusively (with a reasonable number of mailings, of course).

How Email Marketing Works

Let me list the distinctive features of email marketing in B2B:

promoting complex products involves How to Create a B2B Email Sequence Base explaining the benefits to the client company;
long transaction cycle (the average number of touches before purchase is more than 10!), on average six months;
emphasis on rational arguments in promotion. Since spontaneous purchases do not happen in business – this presupposes a calm, informative tone of communication;
small mailing base compared to B2C;
a moderate number of mailings – no more than one or two per week, so as not to incur unsubscribes.
10 ideas for email newsletters

However, you can’t rely on email marketing alone – omnichannel marketing is critical for promoting complex products .

At the Aktion Marketing agency, we use our own technology based on a comprehensive approach. Our task is not just to collect hot demand (those who need the product and who are ready to buy it now), but to generate demand in a limited B2B market. That is, we find those who do not realize the problem or realize it, but do not know how to solve it.

How to work with USP

Email marketing is only part of the customer acquisition system . Newsletters work together with:

content marketing – we write, publish and distribute unique client content on thematic portals of the Aktion holding;
contextual and targeted advertising – in Yandex, VK, Telegram and other systems;
organizing webinars, setting up auto-webinars;
robotization of sales.
Why we love newsletters
Email newsletters are a format in which you can tell your target audience about your company and complex product in an accessible way. Without selling them too hard thanks to different types of emails (useful, review, trigger, etc.). Contextual advertising, for example, cannot achieve such detail and targeted approach. How to Create a B2B Email Sequence Based on a USP for a Complex Product

It is good for collecting hot demand, but not for explaining the benefits

When starting work with a new client, we record cases portrait of the author record the general pain of the target audience in letters – as a rule, it is on the surface. But after three months. We are ready to segment the target audience into portraits and personalize mailings using a unique selling proposition (USP). Together with a professional marketer, we create targeted complex chains of letters.

Aktion Marketing : comprehensive customer acquisition in B2B with a financial guarantee of the result. Get a free media plan at a free consultation with the project marketer – fill out the brief .

How to work with USP
USP is the reason why a user becomes a client. And the reasons can be different. Therefore, USP is not a constant value.

You can and should change your offer depending on who it is addressed to. For testing the effectiveness of various USPs and collecting analytics . email newsletters are an almost ideal tool. After all, high-quality letters :

meaningful, but clearly understandable;
easy to read visually;

concise, with an abundance of facts and figures.

At the beginning of cooperation with the client, we send out mailings to the database with a general USP . The output from such activity is low and is rather needed to test the waters: who is interested in the client’s topic at all.

Once the target audience is fully segmented, each portrait is given its own USP, taking into account the motivation . The incentive to solve the problem is often different for the business owner and representatives of various departments. It is necessary to target each portrait .

An audit of the mailings showed that lead magnets have proven themselves to be excellent . For example, for one of the clients, we identified three target audience segments and created three lead magnets for download:

instructions – for experienced users;

benefit calculator – for warm leads;

Grant navigator – for startups.

How the email chain has changed with bqb directory the new USP: lead generation results
After relaunching email newsletters with new USPs by segment, personalized emails started hitting the mark.

For example, for one of the clients (special economic zone) the following advantages were highlighted:

The CFO of a manufacturing company will see in a letter addressed to him how beneficial the tax benefits are for the business compared to the general conditions in any other territory – in numbers.
The CEO will appreciate the business benefits that he will receive thanks to the ready-made business infrastructure: conference halls, hotels, office buildings, transfer organization.
For the owner or investor, customer focus and speed of execution of all formalities are important. The SEZ administration promises to relieve the potential resident from bureaucracy: it provides a personal manager, helps to collect documents, and takes on the solution of technical issues.
The chief engineer of the manufacturing enterprise (part of the purchasing center ) will receive a letter describing the supplied engineering infrastructure.
The HR Director will read a newsletter with information about the SEZ’s human resources potential for a new manufacturing enterprise.
Trigger emails , which come in response to specified events, have worked with full efficiency : the user has downloaded content, clicked on a specific place on the landing page or in an article, or used an interactive tool (calculator).

Conversion of trigger emails has improved :

OR – 44% (average level – 15%);
CTOR – 15% (average – 7%).
As a result, we have the following figures. When the project was launched, before segmenting the audience and developing the USP for each type, the volume of leads was small (October-January figures). After we identified customer types together with the client and worked out several USPs and an email strategy, the number of leads doubled (starting in February).

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