Singapore Number » Blog » For content this means:

For content this means:

but by simply pursuing For content a different goal with the content.

And that is to establish contact.

This means inviting people from the street into your home.


from the blog article, from the content -> to invite to your email list.

(Worth reading: 30 proven ways to build your email list )

That is the For content goal of content

And then later in the second and third steps you will earn money through the email list, but not immediately through the content itself.

Every successful and rich marketer knows:

The money is in the backend, not the frontend.

Frontend means:

You try to sell immediately on the street, in the pedestrian zone.

Backend means:

First you invite people to your website, get them on your list, build trust and then sell.

And the good thing is, you can always sell again because you have their contacts.

The goal of content is whatsapp number list not to sell, but to get leads/contacts.

How do you do that?

The most valuable and important tool here is the Call to Action ,

in plain English, a call to action.

This means you have to tell the reader exactly what the next step is and what they need to do.

And if you For content now think:

“Hey, I already have good calls to action. I have them everywhere: ‘ Subscribe to my newsletter ’ written everywhere,”

≠ This is an absolute nonsense call to action.

I’ll show you how to make a much better one.

Let’s say you are a tax advisor and you have written content about saving taxes or tax tips.

3 Possible Call-To-Action’s That Are Absolutely Bad.
#1 “Subscribe to is it useful to index a blog’s our newsletter.”

#2 “Call us.”

#3 “Contact us.”

These calls to action don’t work.

And now I’ll tell you why.

I will give you america email list now directly:

3 examples of how you can do better.
For example number #1

the call to action could look like this:

“Download our comprehensive consumer guide here by entering your email.”

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