Angular CLI is a command line utility that helps you to complete common development tasks faster. Angular isn’t the only solution with such tools Angular CLI Sp up feature development.
The main advantage is that
Angular CLI is expandable due to schematics, so it’s easily modifi for specific tasks. Another advantage of Angular CLI is the built-in utility to update projects when upgrading to a new version of Angular. It ruces manual steps and saves time when updating a project.
A phone number library gives you phone number library access to a specific population for individualized marketing, making it a significant tool for lead generation. By facilitating accurate communication, it simplifies outreach, increases conversion rates, and optimizes return on investment. Businesses may effectively engage prospects, nurture leads, and achieve long-term growth in highly competitive markets by utilizing authenticated connections.
Development standards. Angular has clear standards and guidelines for structuring and architecture of applications that are support by the Angular CLI. The advantage for us is that the original structure of the application laid down by the authors of Angular is suitable for developing large applications. Consequently, we use the framework for Posiflora without any problems. Another benefit is the ability to connect the team to the project quickly.
This is possible due to uniform standards
Tasks we solv using Angular We enabl the instrument to manage the app. There are several approaches for this task in Angular: States-services bas on RxJs NgRx Akita For Posiflora, we chose the NgRx library, which implements the Rux pattern using RxJs. Some reasons for doing this: It’s great for managing the state of large applications It provides mechanisms for isolating side effects It accelerates development with additional schematics for .
While working on the project, we develop our own library of reusable UI components. This allow us to develop new features for Posiflora applications faster. Sp up development of sections. Most of the sections in the Posiflora dashboard have a similar structure. To run them faster, we prepar additional schematics for the Angular CLI.
Now with the help of simple
Commands, a developer generates a grow your small business successfully with accountant in central coast template and proces to the business logic. At the same time, he doesn’t waste time writing boilerplate code. What else we plan to change Posiflora is us by clients from different countries, so all platform applications support multiple languages and locales. When we start the project development, the localization and internalization of mechanisms built into Angular had limitations.
That’s why we use the ngx-translate library to support multiple languages. ngx-translate library Results: we launch the system in 9 months Because of Angular and our team’s qualifications, we were able to develop an MVP and release the system in just 9 months. Sales began immiately after launch. The spe of implementation of new features increas by 20% due to the ready components.
Business software solutions
Solutions for business automation, trade seo ebl and warehouse accounting, and advertising management. Ready-made products and outsourcing services. Outstaffing services. Share on Cases Портрет автора Record by Tonya Sergeeva Previous article Development of a payment acceptance system: Next article High-load systems development for data processing OrbitSoft 2001 — 2024 WHO WE ARE Services Projects.
Technology Reviews Advertising Solutions Application Development Articles and cases OrbitSoft WHO WE ARE Services Projects Technology Articles and cases Reviews High-load systems development for data processing High-load systems development for data processing Ad management system example July 8 2021 796 High-load systems development for data processing If a business makes money on the Internet, it is always — in one way or another — collecting and analyzing data, for example, types of products that users look at or skip.
Or who is watching a video together
With the information about the type of device and the time of day. Such data is ne to understand how to develop one’s product. The more data there is, the more difficult it is to process. Because of this, high-load systems become necessary. Using an example from our development team, we’ll tell you how we design such solutions. In April, our system process 2.4 billion impressions and 408 million clicks with no failures.
The business task is to increase conversion from content display. One of the ways to make money for an online business is to manage content so that users take target actions as often as possible. Content in this case is a general designation. It can mean: videos news goods or services The target action also depends on the business.
In one case it could be a
Review of a certain number of videos. In another — it might be subscription to trial lessons from the mailing list. Content management requires data on how the user works with the content. Maybe one skips the products cards with the highest margins for the company, or studies them, but doesn’t put them in the basket. All this is ne to understand how and what to show to the user. A block of data gives us little information by itself.
It nes to be sav and analyz
For example, you can: collect statistical reports according to data segments and metrics compare these metrics for different periods group data by categories: countries, cities, device types, or time of day Without such details, it’s difficult to determine why some content is not working as plann, and what to do to solve the problem. When there is not a lot of data, it can be process manually, or with the help of simple programs.
But with the growth of the user database, the amount of data also increases, so it becomes no longer possible to process, let’s say, a billion pieces of data in this way. To process a larger load, data collection and analysis systems are being design. The main requirement for them is to withstand high loads. OrbitSoft Experience: how data collection and analysis system operates We have experience in running systems that handle such high loads.