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There are a number of differences between

But the crowd can also be us to make prictions together ( crowd intelligence ). By the way, I have not yet seen any scientific research that proves the claim that prictions from large numbers of people are better than a small group of experts. I would be happy to read articles about this!

Outsourcing operational activities (such as creating user generat content ) is also different from co-creation, bolivia phone number list  which is more about R&D activities. Providing metadata ( folksonomy ) is another example of an operational activity. Galaxy Zoo, where volunteers help identify celestial bodies, is a good example of this.

In the case of viral marketing, it is not so much the time, knowlge and skills that the online volunteer puts in that are important, but the trust that is given to the company. An advertisement that is forward to you by a family member or friend is read differently than if you receive the same message directly from the company or organization.

There is also a crowd variant

A for contributing financial resources: crowdfunding . After the success of Obama, who  market attention was able to gather a larger campaign budget via crowdfunding, this form of financing is now also embrac by the arts sector.

The advantages of crowdsourcing are clear: expanding the knowlge and creativity available within the company, using ‘many hands’ which saves time (for example, translating a complete Facebook site within a few months) and the cost benefits of working with – often unpaid – volunteers.

Downsides of crowdsourcing

A crowdsourcing volunteers and the company’s own employees that cause problems.  There jiangsu mobile phone number list are a number  Some of the differences are:

Collaboration tools
Companies provide their employees with facilities to perform their work by making available the knowlge and experience of colleagues, providing access to relevant information and supplying the necessary tools. In crowdsourcing initiatives, the crowdsourcing volunteer makes his/her individual contribution, which is often not enrich by other people or information. And so far, with the exception of software development, no tools are made available to crowdsourcing volunteers that allow them to participate in the actual design of a product, for example. An exception is Lego, where software enables the virtual stacking of blocks and the consumer can therefore actually develop a Lego product and order it directly. If more tools become available, crowdsourcing volunteers can mean more to the company. In addition.

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