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Some content distribution channels

 In previous articles we have talked about the importance of  content generation ,  content marketing  and  brand content , but it has been a long time since we delved into what the optimal distribution channels are so that the message reaches our target audience through the appropriate channel.

That is why we want to dedicate a space on the blog to present some theories and examples that will allow you to better understand what we mean when we talk about digital content distribution.

Let’s start by defining that the most important thing in a digital strategy is  the content , but its distribution depends on some key factors that allow us to differentiate the use of one channel from another and understand which one is most useful for getting our brand message across.

When we talk about content distribution, we are talking about the medium we will use to ensure that content effectively reaches our users.

Technology opened the door to an infinite number of channels

Technology has not only opened the doors to dozens of new channels, but also to the immediacy with which digital content is consumed and the multiple platforms we have at our disposal to ensure our message reaches its destination. This is why the role played by the different communication channels is essential to having a wide range of possibilities and moments of contact with our users.

If the content is good and well distributed, it will surely be successful content in terms of reach and affinity.

What is content distribution?  

If I mention Achilles, the famous demi-god india mobile database from Greek mythology who defeated Hector and took walled Troy, you will surely think of Brad Pitt, I understand; Brad was very good in that film. But what if I tell you that Achilles and distribution have something in common; would you believe me?

Achilles was 99% immortal because he was dipped, by his mother, a goddess, in the blood of a dragon. The problem was that when she dipped him, she held him by the heel, and that small area of ​​his body, which had no contact with the blood, was left vulnerable and ended up being the cause of his death.

The old  marketing heroes say , and it’s usually good to listen to them, that  distribution is the Achilles heel of great enterprises.  No matter how powerful you are, distribution will leave you vulnerable.

  • First definition, a surviving old-school teaching:  distribution is the weak point of your business.
  • From the perspective of channels, I will tell you the second definition, also born before the Internet:  Distribution is one of the stages of the production cycle , said cycle can be stated in three phases in its most basic form, Design – Production – Distribution. It shows that it is the stage that has a natural link with marketing.
  • The third is:  it is the phase that connects your product with the customer . It doesn’t matter if your product is the best in the world, if it is not on the supermarket shelf or on the website, it simply does not exist.
  • The fourth, contemporary and born in  content marketing  : is the art of getting your content to your person through the right channel at the right time.

That was in the time of Achilles, approximately 7,000 years ago, and probably, although we cannot say for sure, there was no Internet. Now, with the Internet, there are many channels for distributing content. But if you think that solved the distribution problem, I am sorry to tell you that this is a myth. The Internet is wonderful, but it does not work magic, on the contrary, it worsens the distribution problem.

Year 23 DI –

But let’s get back to the present, let’s leave Brad Pitt alone, time passes for him too. Let’s talk about the present, we are in the year 23 DI (After the Internet). Today there is a whole chain of content production and along with it we have the phase of its distribution, and while we know that the golden rule is to always believe in the content, the silver rule is:  good content is useless if you don’t have where to distribute it.

Websites and blogs

They allow you to provide differential content everything within the website from their designs and formats, allowing you to have many design options to distribute your content, whether informative or entertaining, in an eye-catching and aesthetic way that manages to capture the attention of your followers.

These channels allow you to distribute content in an efficient, organized and complete manner. It is important to highlight that some studies have found that on average people spend 3 hours consuming content through their cell phone, hence the importance of having sites and blogs with  responsive design . In addition,  we check our cell phones approximately 150 times a day , expanding the moments of contact to 150 opportunities to get your message across in a way that is striking to people.

In detail:


The website  is  perhaps the most famous of all formats, it is almost an axiom, a  sine qua non rule,  that a company has a page on the Internet. That is, whether you move it or not, whether you work on it or not, the company will have a website   for the simple fact that it works .


Blogs  are now more personalised, so there’s no point in having one if you’re not going to update it. When the blog became available  ,  everyone  started one, it was like the dream of having a sophisticated personal diary. Over time, only those with the habit of writing and a digital vocation kept it up.

Social networks

The world was never the same after social media, it is the best metaphor for the current moment, huge networks, none of them produce content, but their business is content. Social media suddenly left us full of friends, with many “virtual” multitudinous events  on Facebook , we began to understand photography on  Instagram  and learned to synthesize our ingenuity on  Twitter . Also, social media gave a new dimension to the concept of loneliness.

Social networks and their different formats are other means that allow content to be distributed efficiently. To do this, it is necessary to understand the intention and personality that each network provides and which ones are appropriate to guarantee the delivery of the final message in a content distribution strategy.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, just to mention a few, are the most used social networks to create a distribution.


It is a network that is used to learn about and exchange information in an effective way. It is fast, entertaining, dynamic, versatile and global.  A study showed that nearly 1,490 people in the world use this network as a means of communication , to generate and consume content of all kinds.


 It is also a network that challenges its users to  tell news and stories in just a little more than 200 characters .


It is a distribution channel  for audiovisual content .  It is worth highlighting that it is a highly effective model due to its diversity of content and because everything audiovisual has the power to capture the attention of users much more than other channels.


It is a channel that has a defined aesthetic. asb directory The quality of visual content is its DNA and its different photography filters have expanded in a striking and effective way for those who use this network as a content distribution channel. You can also watch videos under a minute, using a format called  Instagram Stories , which allows you  to tell stories in a different way . This not only caught the attention of natural people, but also of brands, who use this tool to create different and trendy content.

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