Services for When choosing an influencer to launch an advertising campaign, it is important to find a blogger with an active and large enough target audience. However, these indicators are often inflat. In order to determine the transparency of the audience, inflat monitoring services are us.
AntiDogs is a free service for monitoring the promotion of subscribers in VKontakte groups.
- Web application.
Social mia support
Only VKontakte.
Monitoring of page cheating is available for free.
The cost of eternal access is 599 rubles. The payment iraq telegram data is made once. The user receives lifetime access to the service and can clean the account from block and inactive users an unlimit number of times.
To detect cheating, simply enter the link to the VKontakte group in the search bar and click the “Scan” button:
After scanning the group, the service shows what percentage of the audience is made up of real users and what percentage is artificially inflat. Thus, in the example, the group analysis show that 92.9% is a real parship in its beginnings audience. The remaining 7.13% are “dogs” (accounts that were delet by users themselves or block by the VK system for spam, fraud or excessive activity.
- free service;
- simple audience quality analysis;
- cleaning the page from block users.
- no mobile app;
- analysis of cheating in Odnoklassniki and other social networks is not available;
- there is no analysis of the audience by age, gender and other characteristics.
Target Audience Parsers
To set up precise targeting in social networks, it is important liechtenstein number to correctly define the target audience. Special tools — parsers — allow you to find such an audience in VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.
PromoPult offers two tools for searching for target audiences on VKontakte: a community parser and a user parser.
Community parser is a tool for searching for groups with a target audience in VK.
User parser is a tool for collecting active audiences of communities.