The status of young innovative company (JEI) is a tax and social mechanism creat! by the Finance Act for 2004 to encourage innovation in France. This status allows newly creat! companies! engag! in research and development (R&D) projects! to benefit from exemptions corresponding to approximately 15% of their expenses. What is the status of JEI? What are the conditions to benefit from it? Its advantages? Find all the answers to your questions in this article.
A young innovative company (JEI) is a new company that invests in research and development;
The JEI status allows you to benefit from tax and social advantages to support your projects;
There are several specific conditions that must be met to obtain JEI status;
There are two statuses with similar advantages: that of young growth company (JEC) and young university company (JEU) .
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Young innovative company (JEI): what is it?
A young innovative company (JEI) is a company that! from its creation! devotes a significant portion of its resources to research and development (R&D) activities. To be a JEI! a certain number of criteria must be met. This status is design! to help start-up innovation companies overcome financial obstacles.
JEI status is open to all companies! regardless of their sector or legal form! as long as they meet the specific eligibility conditions .
Tax benefits
The status of young innovative company (JEI) offers several tongliao phone number list ignificant tax advantages for companies. The entrepreneur’s remuneration can be optimiz! thanks to these exemptions.
CFE exemption
Municipalities and their public inter-municipal cooperation establishments google ads is a beautiful monster and this is why (EPCI) may decide to exempt a JEI from CFE for 7 years. This process applies to all young innovative companies creat! before December 31! 2025 .
The request for exemption must be made to the Everything corporate tax department (SIE) before the 2nd working day following May 1 of the year prec!ing the year for which the exemption is request!. This year it is May 5! 2025.
Property tax exemption
Some local authorities may! by deliberation! decide to grant a JEI an exemption from property tax on the entirety of their share concerning the buildings own! by these companies. This exemption is valid! like the CFE! for 7 years .
To benefit from the exemption from built property tax! the company must send a declaration to its corporate tax department (SIE) before January 1 of the year in which it wishes to begin benefiting from this exemption.